Contact Karolina Kotkiewicz
As a small child I loved fairy tales. I think each of us must have liked it. For me this stayed the same until now. I wanted to create my own magical fairy tale and let fantasy sweep me away.
Some time ago the idea of Enchanted Lauriston Castle in Edinburgh has begun. I got inspiration from “Alice in Wonderland” and many other films and photographs but mainly from my own imagination. I found a wonderful group of people who decided to accompany me in this fairy tale. MUA Sharon Lumsden , hairstylist – Chris McLean , photographer assistant – Sebastian Kuczynski, also Ricky, my boyfriend, and of course our beautiful model Amy Kerr. It was an unforgettable session! It has given me further ideas and inspired me to continue my story. So I can assure you that this is not the last character from our castle.
By publishing a few photos from this session on various websites I got some great feedback. I was asked if I would display few of my photos on an exhibition in Edinburgh and one of these pictures was published on the Vogue. WOW my first exhibition!!! ( photos from this event I will show on the other post) 
The session took place in the summer but only now I am publishing it here as I really wanted to show you some pictures from behind the scenes.  The very busy wedding season hasn’t allowed me to complete my work on this session sooner. And so here are some belated photos and animations from the backstage and more photos of Enchanted. Thank you again everyone for the amazing experience. 🙂

Please watch animation below for more photos and the backstage. Enjoy 🙂
